Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sonar Festival takes a ride to South America these days.

The Barcelona-based festival “Sonar” will travel to four South American cities these days. Between 24 November and 7 December, São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Bogota will all host the Sónar events. Which is something new and i thought a very good idea to spread the enormous festival. Sonar has already been in a lot of different countries around the world, including already Brazil and Argentina that takes part this year again, the good new are that this year they are set to extending their reach into both Chile and Colombia. The official date are: São Paulo (24-28 November), Buenos Aires (28, 29 November and 3 December), Santiago de Chile (5 December) and Bogotá (7 December).

Sónar will be held for presenting more than 90 performances by 15 European and 36 South American artists. Simultaneously, Sónar+D will organize more than 80 activities spread across São Paulo, Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile. “British duo The Chemical Brothers, Hot Chip and Evian Christ head the line-up at each of the different city dates. They will be joined by other European artists including Gorgon City, Modeselektor, Kiasmos, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, Double Vision: Atom™+ Robin Fox, Dixon, Brodinski, Recondite, Eats Everything and Spaniards Pional and Begun. 

Among the South American scene's most prominent figures will be electrocumbia from Peruvians Dengue Dengue Dengue!; Colombians Frente Cumbeiro; the electronic champeta and vallenato of Bomba Estéreo; Latin house in multiple forms from Argentines Jay West & DJs Pareja, and Chileans Matanza, Valesuchi and Alejandro Vivanco. There will also be a place for the new South American electro pop sound through: Argentines BBS Tecno (the new electronic project Babasónicos) and Poncho; Uruguayans Campo; and Chileans Aoraqui; as well as eccentric and analogical projects like Brazilian Zopelar, Colombian Las Hermanas and Chileans Nabucodonosor. 

The technology and creativity conference Sónar+D, will bring together its digital communities and leading figures in the creative and entrepreneurial world, allowing direct contact with today's most innovative practices in the musical production and distribution industries, maker communities activity, start-up talents and innovation in the audiovisual field.”... More info here. 

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